Thursday, April 7, 2011

One third of the followers of this blog are former members of the Ragged Bags...

(Actually, the blog just lost one of its six followers, so now 40% of the followers are former members of the Ragged Bags...)

Which is neither here nor there. Right now I am blogging in a vain attempt to hold onto what's left of my sanity. I would have liked to be at this gig:

Eli Keszler/Adam Bohman/Steve Beresford live at Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, 04/01/11

Or at any of the three performances of the musical that Talibam! wrote and performed with Sam Kulik: "Talibam! Goes To Bed with Sam Kulik and Discovers Atlantis" (click on the header and read more, if you care, or dare, to...)

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