Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sliding scale.

Michael Johnsen, Most Wanted Fine Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, 10/23/09

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Better late than never, I guess...

ambibat @ ABC No-Rio - Halloween 1999

Frank Fusco - guitar, electronics
Eric Hoffman - synth, electronics
Chris Altenhoff - bass, electronics
Blaise Siwula - sax

The Duos Out Of Space

Steve Noble, Alan Wilkinson @ Colour out of Space, Brighton, 10/31/09

Bill Orcutt & Paul Hession @ Colour out of Space

(Both courtesy of Shuffleboil)

Not The Hello People...

People's music video for the smash single "Likelihood of Bang."
Mary Halvorson - Guitar, Kevin Shea - Drums
(They are lip-synching, or, as scores of posters on video sites
believe, lip-singing...)